Novel tenggelamnya kapal van der wijck pdf full
Novel tenggelamnya kapal van der wijck pdf full

novel tenggelamnya kapal van der wijck pdf full

Jassin also emphasised that the novel discussed issues with Minang adat, which would not be found in a foreign work.

novel tenggelamnya kapal van der wijck pdf full

Key word : Novel, Theme,Language Style, Social-Culture Setting, Intertextual Study.The literary documentarian HB Jassin, who compared the two using an Indonesian translation of Sous les Tilleuls entitled Magdalena, wrote that there was very little chance that the novel should be called plagiarism, as Hamka's descriptions of locations were highly detailed and consistent with his earlier works.

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It can be concluded that the socio-cultural setting of author has significant influence to the choice of theme and the language styles indeed to be used into their works. Therefore, Hamka was more dominant in using the language variation and language styles than BC’s Novel by HES. On the novel of TKVDW was found about 34 of language variations and 447 items of language style, while on the novel of BC was found about 32 of language variations and 285 items of language style. Theme of the novel can be found from the problem solving, choosing the dominant problem inside of the novel and the problem involved the figure of the novel. The objects of this research were (1) theme and language style of the novel TKVDW was written by Hamka and BC was written by HES (2) social-cultural setting of Hamka and HES. The type of this research was a qualitative research by using descriptive method. This research used theory of Art from Sumardjo & Saini, 1988: 3) and the study of intertextuality referred to Nurgiyantoro’s theory (1995: 50). The aims of this research are (1) to describe the theme and language style in the novel of TKVDW and BC, (2) to describe the author’s social-cultural setting of TKVDW and BC, (3) to describe a linked theme and language styles from the novel of TKVDW and BC and authors’ social-culture through intertextuality study.

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